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 Players of the Week and the Month !

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Players of the Week and the Month ! Empty
MessageSujet: Players of the Week and the Month !   Players of the Week and the Month ! EmptySam 15 Sep - 14:40

30-4-2007 Player of the week: Simon Gagné (L)
NHL has awarded Simon Gagné (L) of Washington Capitals as Player Of The Week He registered 4 goals and 3 assists for 7 points in 4 games last week.

A native of Canada, Simon Gagné was originally drafted to the NHL by the Philadelphia Flyers in the 1st round of the 1998 entry draft. He has appeared in 518 NHL games during his career, notching 192 goals and adding 225 assists along with 167 penalty minutes. The 27 year old left wing has played 92 games with the Washington Capitals this season, totalling 32+61=93 with 12 PIM.


1-5-2007 Player of the month: Joe Thornton (C)
NHL has awarded Joe Thornton (C) of San Jose Sharks as Player Of The Month He registered 9 goals and 15 assists for 24 points in 14 games last month. He also had 3 game winning goals.

A native of Canada, Joe Thornton was originally drafted to the NHL by the Boston Bruins in the 1st round of the 1997 entry draft. He has appeared in 651 NHL games during his career, notching 219 goals and adding 403 assists along with 701 penalty minutes. The 27 year old center has played 61 games with the San Jose Sharks this season, totalling 30+46=76 with 29 PIM.


1-5-2007 Rookie of the month: Evgeny Malkin (L)
NHL has awarded Evgeny Malkin (L) of Pittsburgh Penguins as Rookie Of The Month He registered 8 goals and 5 assists for 13 points in 11 games last month. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Russia, Evgeny Malkin was originally drafted to the NHL by the Pittsburgh Penguins in the 1st round of the 2004 entry draft. He has appeared in 82 NHL games during his career, notching 39 goals and adding 60 assists along with 28 penalty minutes. The 20 year old left wing has played 82 games with the Pittsburgh Penguins this season, totalling 39+60=99 with 28 PIM.
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Players of the Week and the Month ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Players of the Week and the Month !   Players of the Week and the Month ! EmptyDim 16 Sep - 12:54

7-5-2007 Player of the week: Jere Lehtinen (R)
NHL has awarded Jere Lehtinen (R) of Dallas Stars as Player Of The Week He registered 3 goals and 4 assists for 7 points in 3 games last week.

A native of Finland, Jere Lehtinen was originally drafted to the NHL by the Dallas Stars in the 4th round of the 1992 entry draft. He has appeared in 730 NHL games during his career, notching 225 goals and adding 244 assists along with 178 penalty minutes. The 33 year old right wing has played 82 games with the Dallas Stars this season, totalling 35+41=76 with 14 PIM.
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Players of the Week and the Month ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Players of the Week and the Month !   Players of the Week and the Month ! EmptyDim 16 Sep - 20:52

14-5-2007 Player of the week: Alex Tanguay (L)
NHL has awarded Alex Tanguay (L) of Dallas Stars as Player Of The Week He registered 3 goals and 4 assists for 7 points in 3 games last week. He also had 2 game winning goals.

A native of Canada, Alex Tanguay was originally drafted to the NHL by the Colorado Avalanche in the 1st round of the 1998 entry draft. He has appeared in 529 NHL games during his career, notching 162 goals and adding 313 assists along with 229 penalty minutes. The 27 year old left wing has played 79 games with the Dallas Stars this season, totalling 25+50=75 with 10 PIM.

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Players of the Week and the Month !
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