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MessageSujet: Rosters[A Jour]!   Rosters[A Jour]! EmptySam 25 Aoû - 20:05

Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Marian Gaborik 93 74 83 26 5000000 3
Jeremy Jourdain 86 85 81 22 984200 2
Brendan Shanahan 78 73 74 39 4000000 1
Kiel McLeod 63 57 69 25 625000 5
Niklas Nordgren 62 68 67 28 1100000 4
Simon Chicoine-Thorburn 65 66 67 24 700000 4
Michael Gergen 65 63 66 21 305000 3
Mathieu Roy 62 57 64 21 450000 2
Jani Rita 51 64 62 27 800000 4
Tyler Kennedy 49 51 59 21 450000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Eric Staal 92 81 85 23 4000000 3
Rod Brind'Amour 77 77 80 37 4000000 5
Adam Pineault 81 78 78 21 450000 2
Nick Pepsi 63 62 68 18 450000 3
Milan Kraft 66 64 67 27 800000 4
Tim Brent 59 70 66 23 600000 5
Joël Perrault 70 51 65 24 525000 4
Oskar Osala 51 52 55 20 335000 3
Brady Murray 51 42 51 23 290000 1
Olivier Proulx 44 44 48 26 315000 4
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Evgeny Malkin 89 75 82 21 850000 3
Petr Taticek 82 81 77 24 450000 2
Robert Nilsson 80 62 75 23 942400 2
Kamil Kreps 73 68 67 23 750000 3
Johannes Salmonsson 67 53 63 22 285000 2
James O'Brien 49 53 60 19 450000 3
Benoit Pouliot 58 51 58 21 850000 3
Mathieu Perreault 54 50 58 20 315000 4
Jonathan Filewich 57 56 57 23 525000 2
Bobby Hughes 59 53 57 20 325000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Chris Pronger 74 84 79 33 6250000 4
Sasha Pokulok 75 80 78 21 850000 3
Kenny Jönsson 72 74 77 33 3250000 1
Adam Foote 56 87 75 36 4600000 2
Brent Seabrook 68 76 73 22 942400 2
Karl Alzner 56 81 71 19 525000 3
Jeff Schultz 64 74 69 22 850000 3
Ron Hainsey 59 69 69 26 575000 2
Daniel Fernholm 49 73 65 24 430000 3
Tommi Leinonen 41 71 63 20 625000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Alex Auld 81 81 80 27 2500000 2
Danny Battochio 80 72 75 22 450000 2
Ty Conklin 69 72 71 31 525000 1
Andy Chiodo 67 61 66 24 525000 2
Jeff Pietrasiak 48 45 51 24 450000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Akim Aliu 52 47 58 18 100000 0
Keegan Dansereau 49 46 55 20 650000 3
Nick Johnson 47 42 51 22 450000 0
Tim Crowder 42 40 48 21 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
John Hughes 48 42 55 20 750000 3
Brian Gifford 44 41 50 22 450000 0
Brian Ihnacak 38 36 48 22 450000 0
Joe Vitale 38 41 48 22 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Evgeny Isakov 50 32 47 23 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
David Ruzicka 45 55 59 19 100000 0
Tristin Llewellyn 39 58 58 18 100000 0
Tysen Dowzak 38 52 55 19 750000 3
Alex Goligoski 46 47 53 22 450000 0
Timo Seppänen 41 46 52 20 550000 0
Michal Sersen 39 44 50 22 450000 0
Chris Peluso 39 43 48 21 450000 0
Alex Lamontogne 19 46 47 19 100000 0
Martin Rygl 37 34 44 21 450000 0
Lukas Bolf 37 35 42 23 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Michal Neuvirth 58 61 64 19 100000 0
Chad Johnson 41 44 51 21 450000 0
Dave Brown 39 41 49 23 450000 0

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