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Dg Columbo
Joueur de deuxième ligne
Dg Columbo

Messages : 1386
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2007
Age : 33
Localisation : rive sud de qc

Roster Empty
MessageSujet: Roster   Roster EmptyDim 26 Aoû - 2:07

Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
David Vyborny 76 68 75 31 2200000 3
Nikolai Zherdev 79 64 74 22 2500000 4
Fredrik Modin 75 72 75 31 2204000 4
Alex Korolyuk 71 72 73 30 2200000 2
Steven Goertzen 49 65 63 22 450000 2
Petr Pohl 51 41 53 20 450000 4
Eric Labelle 35 49 45 25 450000 2
They are looking for a 1st line right wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Sergei Fedorov 80 72 79 36 6080000 3
Alexander Svitov 63 72 71 23 850000 2
Phil Kessel 69 58 67 18 850000 4
Erik Christensen 67 61 68 22 488000 2
Ben Simon 58 68 68 28 450000 2
Zenon Konopka 53 67 63 25 450000 2
Geoff Platt 58 55 62 21 475000 3
Derick Brassard 55 45 59 19 450000 4
Andrew Murray 54 50 58 24 475000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Patrik Elias 84 74 81 30 7500000 8
Geoff Sanderson 75 63 73 34 1500000 3
Ryan Malone 74 73 73 26 1300000 3
Vaclav Varada 64 75 72 30 1800000 2
Jason Chimera 67 68 71 27 750000 3
Jody Shelley 37 72 62 30 600000 3
Curtis Glencross 55 57 57 23 646000 2
Darcy Verot 37 66 57 30 450000 2
Joakim Lindström 61 44 55 22 600000 3
Tim Konsorada 56 41 54 22 469000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Bryan Berard 75 67 73 29 2500000 2
Rostislav Klesla 66 80 73 24 1050000 5
Brent Burns 53 74 69 21 775000 3
Josef Melichar 32 77 68 27 750000 2
Duvie Westcott 64 71 68 28 500000 5
Mark Eaton 43 72 68 29 1600000 3
Ron Hainsey 58 68 67 25 575000 3
Ole-Kristian Tollefsen 37 73 65 22 574500 2
Filip Novak 60 59 64 24 450000 3
Tomas Kloucek 34 71 63 26 450000 2
Jamie Pushor 34 71 62 33 450000 2
Derrick Walser 58 46 60 28 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Pascal Leclaire 71 76 74 23 700000 3
Fredrik Norrena 71 72 72 31 450000 2
Tuukka Rask 55 55 63 19 310000 3
Tomas Popperle 36 37 50 21 500000 4
Dan LaCosta 33 32 45 20 450000 4
Tyler Weiman 31 29 44 22 488000 8
They are looking for a starting goalie
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Bobby Nyholm D D C- 18 700000 0
Sergei Mozyakin D D C- 25 450000 0
Matt Greer D D D 20 450000 0
Derek Dorsett D- D D 19 450000 0
Arsi Piispanen D D- D 21 450000 0
Jared Boll D D D 20 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Kirill Starkov D D- C- 19 525000 0
Nick Sucharski D D C- 18 500000 0
Lennart Petrell D- D D 22 450000 0
Jeff Genovy D- F D- 23 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jaroslav Balastik C C- C 26 525000 0
Kevin Jarman C- D- C- 21 450000 0
Brian McGuirk D D D 21 450000 0
Matt Marquardt D- D- D 19 450000 0
Tommy Sestito F D D 18 550000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Dmitri Kosmachev D- D C- 21 450000 0
Adam McQuaid D- D C- 19 600000 0
Andrei Plekhanov D- D D 20 450000 0
Grant Clitsome D D- D 21 450000 0
Jesse Dudas F D D 18 600000 0
Rob Page D- D- D 21 450000 0
Maxime Frechette F D D 18 450000 0
Ben Wright F D D 18 600000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Steve Mason D D C- 18 450000 0

Eastside Hockey Manager
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